Chicken CSA
Is this the same quality of pasture-raised GMO-Free chicken that I've come to know and trust from Dawnbreaker Farms?
What if I only want chicken parts like breasts and thighs and don't want whole chickens?
That’s absolutely fine, too. The Chicken CSA probably isn’t best for you but we do have the Credibles program which may be a better fit for your needs. With Credibles you pre-pay for any of our pasture-raised GMO free products and in return you get extra bonus credits to use at the farmer’s market, buying clubs or on farm pruchases.
Gosh, your farm is really farm away. Can you just bring it to market for me?
We get it, we live out in the boonies. But no. The discount is given to members because they make the extra effort to come to the farm. Buying freshly processed chicken reduces our labor and handling costs and thus we are able to pass the savings onto you, the CSA member. If you really don’t want to drive but want to support the farm another way we suggest you participate in our Credibles program.
How much do I pay per pick up?
At the time of registration you will pay a $200 deposit. After the deposit you will pay 25% of the remaining balance at each pick up. A Small CSA package will pay an estimated $36.40 per pick up, a Medium CSA package will pay an estimated $112/pick up and the Large package will pay an estimated $195.70. Please note that you are paying a per pound price and the actual weight of the chicken will vary. These prices are just estimates and will change somewhat depending on the actual chickens we have available and that you choose.
How did you calculate the total for each CSA package? Doesn't every chicken have a unique weight?
Great question! It’s true. Every chicken weighs different. What we did is we took our average size of 4.5 lbs as the baseline. This means that the actual price at each pick up will vary depending on the size chicken that we have available and that you choose.
Meat CSA
How much meat can I expect?
With a half hog you will get approximately 85 lbs of meat. For a whole hog expect approximately 170 lbs of meat.
How much freezer space will that take?
A half hog will take up about 3.5 cubic feet of freezer space which is roughly equivalent to the top section of a top/bottom combo fridge. A whole hog will take up about 7 cubic feet of freezer space and will require a small stand alone freezer or a section of a stand alone freezer. There are some fridge/freezer combinations that have quite large freezer compartments. We recommend finding your freezer specifications before bringing home the meat.
What kind of cuts can I expect from a half hog?
- 8 lbs of bacon and bacon ends
- 12 lbs of bone in pork chops
- 8 lbs of Boston Butt shoulder
- 6 lbs of spare ribs
- 40 lbs of sausage
- 2.5 lbs of shank
- 1.5 lbs of hocks
- 5 lbs of neck bones
- Odd cuts available (head, tails, heart, liver, kidney. Hey, it’s your pig and you paid for it. Might as well enjoy it from snout to tail)
- Double the above for a whole hog
What kind of sausage do I get?
You will get 40 lbs of the sausage of your choice. Pick from our inventory and mix and match to your custom specifications! Our sausage varieties include:
- Plain Ground Pork
- Bratwurst
- Mild Italian Links
- Mild Italian Bulk
- Spicy Italian Links
- Bulk Chorizo
- Smoked Polish ($1.90/lb extra charge for the smoking)
- Mild Breakfast Pinkies
- Mild Breakfast Bulk
- Maple Pinkies
Plain speak - How much does pork from a half or whole hog cost?
A half hog will cost $680 flat. With 85 lbs of meat that comes out to about $8/lb or 20% off retail prices. A half hog gets you 170 lbs of meat for $1250 at roughly $7.45/lb or 25% off our retail costs. Any way you slice it that’s a BIG savings!
Can I customize my order?
To a certain extent, yes. For example when you purchase a half hog you get to choose exactly what kind of sausage comes in your box. You can also choose if you want the heart, liver, head, tail and feet. Another example – if you are a big fan of sausage we can swap out some cuts so you get more sausage. But part of the joy of a bulk pork purchase is experiencing the entire pig from head to tail. If you have a custom request do please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate.
What's special about your pork?
Our pigs are raised ethically, humanely and sustainably in the woods where they have free range to roam, root, wallow, play and forage. We rotate the herd regularly so that they are always on fresh land and have access to plentiful forage. We supplement our pigs with only non-gmo grain supplements. The diversity of foraged diets and inputs plus the incredible love and attention we give our pigs makes for the most flavorful and nutritious pork found anywhere. We know you’ll love our pork and our whole and half hog options. Please reserve your orderhere.
Animals & Farm Management
Are your animals allowed to be animals?
Can your chickens be chickens? Pigs pigs and cows cows? Happy animals, happy people. When an animal is allowed to express itself and it’s God-given nature than it will eat its natural diet and enact its natural tendencies. This results in a happy animal full of vitamins, minerals and vitality. Dawnbreaker Farms works off the mantra of “one bad day” wherein we give our animals the things they need to live the best life ever. The transition from animal to plate is made as quickly and smoothly as possible with as little stress as possible. That’s why we slaughter our poultry on site and use an Animal Welfare Approved butcher for our pigs and sheep.
How much does it cost?
For a generation now Americans have been taught that a chicken is a chicken and a carrot is a carrot. Prices have been driven down to commodity levels and quality has suffered. When only price is considered qualitative factors such as flavor, nutrition, animal welfare and environmental well-being are ignored. As a result we have a tepid, unethical and environmentally catastrophic food system. Price should be a consideration but more importantly we must think about the values that we choose when we make a purchase. If we want a sustainable and economically just world than we must start voting with our wallets. If price is truly a barrier than speak with your farmer and together we can create solutions.
What is your understanding of the relationship between your farm and the Carbon Cycle?
This question might seem “out there” but I think it is the crux of good farming and good food. Bad farming has a net negative effect or degenerative effect on the land while good farming has a net positive or regenerative effect on land, soil, water and air. A farmer that you can wholeheartedly support and throw your full commitment behind is one that firmly knows his or her role in the carbon cycle and manages their farm in a way that sequesters carbon, replenishes groundwater, purifies waterways and enriches the soil.
What are your animals fed?
Feed rations are a critical part in a livestock farm’s management practices. Farmer’s use different grain rations depending on the quality of product they desire to produce and the price that their customers are willing to pay for it. Generally you have three categories of grain listed in ascending order of price and quality: Conventional GMO, Conventional Non-GMO and Organic. Needless to say organic is the best but sometimes there are excellent farmers using conventional GMO grain because their customer base isn’t willing to pay for higher quality meat. In full disclosure Dawnbreaker Farms uses the second category of conventional Non-GMO. We chose this as a compromise between ours and our customers ideals and customers price sensitivity. We would like to move along the continuum to Organic grain but feel that our customer base is not ready to support the price increase. In an ideal world we wouldn’t base our animal protein diet around grain-centric animals like pigs and chickens but now I’m getting ahead of myself…
How are your animals managed?
Farmers are as diverse as people and each have their own unique management styles that will impact the flavor and nutrition of the meat as well as the land they are raised on. Ideally the animals are moved frequently to new pastures and woodlands to ensure maximum forage ability and environmental regeneration. Keeping animals in a single stationary paddock encourages parasite build up, reduces forage, can be degenerative and in some cases can turn rich pastures into lifeless dirt. The more complex and diverse the rotations the better.